| - This is a solid office store - great selection, high quality, everything from binder clips to printing paper to desks and chairs to bulk size pretzels. The price is the same as Office Depot or Office Supply Store, etc. Worth it if you get the brand-name, high-quality products. I would suggest staying away from the Staples brand name, though. Those products are the same quality as what you could get at a wholesale store (eg, Meijer, Wal-Mart, Target), but you'll pay way more at Staples. Examples that I have fallen trap to: highlighters and binder clips. Highlighters ran out of ink just as quickly as Meijer ones, and the binder clips were exponentially more expensive as the sizes went upward of 1". Nonetheless, I have a good time in this store. Who knew there were so many different pens for sale?