Now that it has been a few days and i have cooled down i can write an honest opinion about this place. It is not a good one i am sorry to say. First of all, when you have to lie and false advertise to get people to come to your shop,then something is wrong. However, apparently this is their M O . Last week The Kokpelli Winery advertised that they were having an Italian Festival. They never stated in the ad that it was just them serving Italian food in their restaurant. They calmed to have live music and entertainment, along with everything that was Italian. People came from all over the Valley for their lie. Disappointment was their closet friend!!! Apparently they are well known for advertising that they are putting on festivals to lure customers all the way out to downtown Chandler. This is not the way to run a business. I say, do not ever darken their door step or give them a penny of your money. You could of had more of an Italian Festival at Olive Garden. There is a lot wrong with this place....Lying is the first thing.