| - I've had never been to Taste of Charlotte before this year, and given some of the reactions on Yelp, I my expectations weren't exactly high. I decided, however, that I should venture forth at least once.
I wasn't overwhelmed. I wasn't exactly underwhelmed, either, given what I had read. Is it possible to be just whelmed? Anyways, I digress. The festival is fairly expensive: 15 tokens for 20 bucks isn't a great exchange rate, especially when most things cost 3 or 4 tokens. There were also a lot of chains present: while some of them have their merits, I'm not going to a food festival to eat Salsaritas. Corporate sponsors are plentiful as well.
The factor that puts my opinion firmly in "Meh" territory is that the food I did get was quite unremarkable. I had tandoori chicken from Namaste (bland), a mini barbecue sandwich from outlaw (also bland, and sadly so, because I suspect they can do better). The filling of the mini strawberry pie I got from Divine Pies was pretty good, but there was way too much crust, and that itself was bland.... have you noticed a theme here? The only truly delicious item I consumed was the taco from Harvest Moon Grille, which was good enough that I really want to check out the restaurant now.
So, overall... I wish it had been better, but it wasn't a horrible way to spend a Saturday afternoon.