Small, cozy shop with a nice selection of crystals. It can get a little crowded and it would be nice to utilize the back room for the crystal displays to 1. increase their inventory and 2. allow for more room. When I'm crystal hunting I can be there for awhile so i want some space and comfort to take my time. Their prices were reasonable, and they had a good 2 for $5 of tumbled stones deal, which is what I purchased. The owner was very friendly and knowledgeable and it's great to see more and more shops popping up. Hope they can expand.
Every crystal shop is different with a different vibe and I definitely felt comfortable here. The relaxation rooms looked very inviting and they also do aura photography which I've always wanted to do. I got a more magical "witchy' vibe from the shop, which is fine by mean since I enjoy and partake in some occult, which was also refreshing to see in Vegas (I could be wrong of course!).
I know they offer services there and my sister had her stones cleansed with a Tibetan singing bowl. I was already out of the store when this happened otherwise i would have definitely done this! i wish the cashier could have told me this! Next time I'm in town...