| - When I first moved to Scottsdale, it seriously blew my mind that a place as expensive as The Village (and don't kid yourself - it is expensive) could possible have as many members as it does. But now, as a work-at-home-mom, I understand that it is worth every single penny. Finding time to work out when you are the primary caretaker for your child is HARD! I checked out the facilities and (most importantly) childcare at several different spots, but I just was never 100% comfortable leaving my son at any of them while I got a workout in. This meant that my only available time to work out was after about 6:00 each night, when my husband got home and could watch our son, and effectively ate up any "family time" we had before our son went to bed. Enter The Village DC Ranch. You make childcare "reservations" 24 hours in advance, which equates to adequate staffing for the childcare center every. single. day. The ladies in the center are all SO nice and my son has been completely comfortable being left with them every single time (almost too comfortable... I mean, hello?! You could care just a tiny little bit that I'm leaving...). The workout facilities are beyond reproach - there's always a machine available, super clean, fresh towels fully stocked. But if I'm being honest, my favorite part would probably have to be the locker rooms. I'm sorry, but after 16 months of trying to sneak in a shower during my son's (few and far between) naps, this place is HEAVEN - complete with heated spa, sauna, and steam room. There's just nothing like being able to get in a good workout then head down for a steam and an unhurried shower. I feel like I've just left a spa day every time I head back up to pick up my happy little munchkin. Alright, Village... You got me.