| - Before you read this review know its based only on the customer service of the bitter 17-22 year old gal at the front desk.
I found this place on Groupon. I had actually wanted to hit the Coyote game. BUT, I knew my husband (who travels from work and we hadn't had a date night since JULY) would LOVE this!!
Yay! We're doing this! So, I purchase the Groupon (without reading the fine print... YES. YES. MY FAULT. WELL AWARE)... Here we go. We leave the kids with my parents, it's a date! And, we are going to do something we have never done!! It's going to be worth the 45 minute drive!!
We pull up, get even more excited, and head in.
The bitter little sweetheart at the front asked us what we wanted to do, I said, oh we have the Groupon!
NOPE. So, I continue to discuss with my hubs. What are we going to do? Spend $100 (YES THATS RIGHT) on 2 races for each of us? Plus, the $50 on Groupon for which I don't know if I can get my money back. The girl at the desk says, well, you can come back. I say, we are here on vacation from out of town. She says "oh".
Awesome. Wow.
Needless to say, we left. And, drove the 45 minutes back.
Realistically, we could have been accommodated. EASILY! The correct answer would have been "Let me get my manager" with an ear to ear smile.
There is a bright side... Groupon has a fab concept of customer service. Even though I opened the voucher, they refunded my money. Which I was very grateful for!
So, lessons learned. Always stick with the Coyotes!
And, this place is... Well... UGH.
Oh... If you're going just call and double check. Or don't. I'm bitter and grossed out by the lack of good customer service. Apparently... So are others **coughs** 3 stars.