I had a Mitsubishi 73 dlp television with a dlp chip that went out. I called Mitsubishi and they offered to replace the chip but I would have to pay for the install. They recommended this company and said it was a flat $200 fee for the install. Now i know it's about a 20 to 30 minute project but i hurt my back and didn't want to be hunching over so I agreed. I called and set up an appointment and they actually called back and could make it out a day earlier which was nice. They came installed the chip and cleaned out the television and everything went smoothly.
Now after actually watching the television for a few hours a couple weeks later I noticed the screen is now misaligned and views at an angle. So if you had a straight line across the set it now slopes 1 inch. I had no source hooked up to view videos when they came to put in the chip so we just assumed with a clear blue screen the issue was fixed. I called today to see if they could fix the issue because it was not there before the chip install. They said I have to pay a diagnostic fee etc and they will come look at it then. No way. The picture was centered before they came and now it's off and they want me to pay to even look at it.