This store has a lot of traffic coming in and out it is so popular they expanded because they needed more room. That said there are often toys strewn about all over the place as kids come in there and play with the toys and get kind of destructive and their parents rarely seem to make them clean up. The cool part is the employees never seem upset or irritated by these messes or the fact that the parents don't insist that their kids help clean up. The employees come around and ask if you are finding what you are looking for which is very nice. The clothes and shoes are all organized by size and gender. They are all in great condition and pretty fairly priced. They give coupons and deals frequently. They are often doing promos for holidays even the smaller ones like st Patrick's day and earth day. They encourage recycling by donating money in lieu of you taking a bag for your items. They have a book club you can go in and get a book that's less than $2 every month. My major beef is recently they told me that I didn't qualify to use a pretty hefty coupon because I was .13 off. Most places would be like let's just give it to her but the didn't and that's ok, I added 1 more item so I could used this coupon and the next thing I know she says actually you can't use the coupon because you got your books discounted with the book club and this coupon cannot be combined with any other offer. This is so wrong it's not even funny. I just don't think it's good business whatsoever.