I really like just about any rock shop because they're like a natural history museum you can buy stuff from. Burnie's is no different.
I'm very fond of the fact that everything is so nicely organized by stone (and color too!), and that there are MANY options to choose from in each variety. Their prices aren't bad either (especially for that neighborhood). You can get a nice black kyanite fan for $6, and little Tibetan quartz crystals (beautifully terminated, for the price!) run anywhere from $0.50-$6. It's a great place to check out if you have a project or need to add some crystal vision to your life. ;)
There are beads for making your own jewelry, finished one-of-a-kind pieces for every taste, and even metal fab supplies.
And THEN there are the lapidary slabs... Did you know the Madison Gem & Mineral Society is located just behind the shop? This means that you can take a class there and shop for supplies RIGHT NEXT STORE.
Is this dangerous? You bet your sweet rockhound arse, it is. The takeaway? Go with a budget. Stick to your budget. Get ready to fight to the death for a parking spot (it's the neighborhood--not the shop). And for the love of Pete, don't spend all your rent money on crystals, hippie.