I was in Macys today, shopping for makeup from Clinique. I was looking for a concealer and testing shades on my hand when a lady working at the Clinique section came over asking if she could help. She said that the shade I tried on my hand looked to be a good match but I asked her to look in the drawer to see if they had one shade lighter. While she was looking, a lady from Clarins came over asking if everything was OK. She asked me "are you tanned right now?" And I said "no this is my natural color". She then proceeded to ask "do you want it to match your face or your neck?", I replied "are they different?" And she said, "well your face is orange like Donald Trump and your neck is pigmented".
I was completely shocked and extremely offended that someone would say this to a customer. I left the store immediately. After calling my husband, he insisted I return to the store and find out the name of the person that insulted me. I asked the lady from Clinique and she said that the lady from Clarins is called Sharon. She didn't know her last name and I asked a few of her coworkers but nobody knew.
This happened on Monday night at around 7.50pm on 2/13/17 and I went back to ask for her name at about 8pm. I visit Macy's on a regular basis to shop for makeup. I've had all of my makeup matched to my skin tone by makeup artists at your store. I always welcome makeup advice and ways in which I can improve, but this was just plain rude. Even if she did believe that my makeup is a bad match I'm sure she could've found a better, kinder way to address it. I couldn't have left the store quick enough and I will be very hesitant to return to Macy's because of Sharon.