| - Redfin is great (5 stars), but my experience with the Realtor Kelly Money was a nightmare from hell. She should not be permitted to associate with this site. Apparently, this woman buys houses and foreclosed properties that are in really bad shape and then tries to sell them to unsuspecting buyers. This is what happened to me.
She wound up putting us in a house filled with TOXIC MOLD, very bad water leaks & more. It got me really sick and disabled me. Apparently, toxic mold never leaves the blood or body's organs.
Kelly Money is a crook & criminal in my opinion. As we had her investigated for legal reasons, we found out that she repeatedly does this. She will buy a house in really bad shape, for really cheep, and either live in it or rent it out for 4 years - as to avoid the capital gains tax penalty; and then Kelly Money or one of her lesbian partners then sells the house without ever repairing what needs to be repaired or disclosing to the client that there are hidden problems.
In my case, the house was filled with black mold, and it got me really sick and has caused permanent health issues that have severely disabled me.
Now, probably not every house she's involved with has toxic mold problems, but beware of this Arizona Real Estate Agent. She is very bad news. Very aggressive and confrontational when confronted about it as well. Although she was very helpful and nice in the beginning.
Kelly Money acts as an independent Realtor and primarily works the Peoria, Glendale, and West side areas here in Arizona. And she is very big into relocation realty.
But please don't let this discourage you from using Redfin. It is a great site... so informative. Just make sure they don't assign Kelly Money to you - maybe request it - if you send an inquiry to tour a home. She will try to con you into one of her neglected, money pit properties that could potentially even get you sick, like she did to me.