This Bikram studio is about 15 miles from my house but I saw the groupon for it and decided to give it a try. I usually go the the Bikram Green Valley and will probably end up going back to the Green Valley studio for several reason.
The first thing you will notice when you walk through the doors is a strong smell a BO. I knew even before stepping into the class the there was carpet instead of hard flooring. The Groupon that I bought is for ten classes and I have done four and I just cant help but feel a bit nauseated each time. In Bikram the class is usually at 105 degrees at 40% humidity and if you have even done a class you know that you sweat a ton. It is hard for me to focus when all I see are pools of sweat soaking into the carpet. Many people consider the act of doing the yoga is the most painful part of the class but for me it is walking on the pools of sweats to and from my spot in class.
The instructors on the other hand are my favorite part of this yoga studio. They really make every brutal class fun and worth you wild. They have a true passion for yoga and motivate you to push yourself through each difficult pose.