Creepy fun and Über cheeky!...Just try your hardest not to think about the movie Deliverance.
Me and the gf stumbled onto this "resort" after visiting Bonnie Springs Ranch and it's super cool. It's the closest thing I've experience to being in a ghost town. Them donkeys can be pretty intimidating when they roam and approach you. The restaurant by the pond looked interesting, the pond though, is a different story. Unfortunately, across the pond is a zoo. Avoid it, it's depressing. The ghost town is where it's at. Watch where you're going. The wood planks feel like they're about to break when you walk over them. The school and the Opera house are allegedly haunted. I didn't see anything except blazing heat and beautiful clear sky. I'm not sure how authentic the ghost town is but it it sure was authentically fun. I was hoping Slim Pickens would jump out at you anytime.