I waited 30 minutes for my panzo while I sat and stared at my friend while she ate hers. We had to ask how much longer for mine to come out and the cashier said "Oh, it's up in the window I just have to grab it!"
Well, five minutes later she came out and asked what I ordered. Then returned another five minutes later and asked what register I ordered from (I don't know why that mattered). She then apologized and said she doesn't know what happened and they haven't started making it yet! She gave me the option of waiting for them to make one or getting my money back. Since I was starving at this point, I said I would wait (I was expecting my money back and the panzo for having to wait this long). To top it all off, the panzo finally arrives burnt and dry - a complete disappointment!! I definitely should have got some sort of reimbursement.