This is the slowest grocery store known to man. I've never waited this longer at any grocery store checkout... ever and there was only 1 person ahead of me with 1 or 2 items. Yes this is how this grocery store works. It takes them 1-2 hours to process one customer with 1-2 items. It was about 8:20 PM on a Sunday.
I get tired of waiting and head over to the next lane and was rudely stopped by someone behind now cutting in front me saying, "Excuse me!". It turns out to be another employee. There was no else in line. I was supposed to be next. It turns out this employee held up the line another 1-2 hours making every one wait not to mention cutting in line. I ended up leaving my groceries on the lane and leaving the store for good. This is not the first time the checkout was slow. I saw one couple after waiting in line for 15 minutes for 1 customer decide to switch lanes as well.
I used to love Sprouts when I lived in Austin but the people at this location stink. It feels so impersonal walking into this store, like walking into a Walmart in a bad area. But even the local Walmart here is much friendlier. This is the ASU area. All the local grocery stores around here are friendly except this one.
They need to learn how to run a store.