The most unprofessional run grooming department. You make an appointment for a certain groomer that has groomed you dogs before. You show up an some how the appointment isn't showing up an the groomer remembers because I tip well. But she was double booked an she was trying to accommodate me, which I appreciated greatly an than the ass manager of the groomers comes up an starts informing me I called the wrong store etc etc. I have been a customer a this petsmart for over 5 yrs an I know the difference of location etc., but when after a discussion I was informed by the groomer my dog had all her shots updated yesterday morning by the vet an showed them the list, I am informed can't take your dog today, but tomorrow. That's when I looked the groomer an asst. Mgr an stated you just lost a good customers . At that point, I went up front requested store manager , got an asst an informed her how I was treat she apologized, but that was to little to late. The asst. manager of grooming I felt was unprofessional an needs training in customer service. No wonder there rating is a 3 star out of 5 stars. I left an found another grooming company that appreciates my business. Now petsmart has lost a good customer for life.