Walking by on a Saturday morning, I was pleased to see that they offered a weekend brunch, and an alternative to the overcrowded and overrated Pamela's next door. I ordered an omelette for $9 and a fruit plate for $7 and my wife ordered a grilled chicken salad. My wife's salad was good. My omelette, however, was inedible -- a round, rock-hard disk smothered in cheese. In a addition, we ordered a fruit plate for $7 which was a complete embarassment of several tiny pieces of fruit strewn about a plate with a tiny souffle cup of yogurt. I hardly ever send food back or complain but this was really bad. I told the server as nicely as possible that it wasn't her fault and I didn't want to appear difficult but I just could not eat the omelette and the fruit plate was really unappealing and overpriced. She gave me an icy cold look that communicated "You are a crazy, difficult, demanding jerk," but took the food back and took it off my check. Upon reading some of the reviews here, it seems like I am not alone.