First airport review. Here's a list of what I like about Madison's airport.
1) TSA Pre-check line is short. But so is the normal line in this airport.
2) Instead of punishing Uber/Lyft with airport fees and limited waiting areas, they have a designated line. For arrivals, when you request a car you simply go to the waiting area and your car is already there!
3) Economy parking is cheap and a 5-minute walk to the airport.
4) Parking ramp parking is free for first 30 minutes, great for someone waiting to pick you up.
And a few things I don't like.
1) Unless you're going to a hub for the FOUR airlines servicing the airport, you've got a 2-leg trip ahead of you.
2) Not enough outlets/charging stations throughout the waiting area.
3 stars is A-OK, and that's just right for this airport.