| - I went to the Fat Burger location off of Rancho and Craig Road in Las Vegas, Nevada at about 8:05p.m. -8:22p.m. This is not the first time I've been to this location, and this is not the first time I have had horrible service here. This was by far the worst of all the instances, though. I went through the drive-thru and a lady, Marisol (name on receipt), on the speaker asked if she could take my order. I had but a second to think when she rudely and quickly said, "Just let me know when you're ready to order." I said that I was ready to order & she did not respond. I said "hello, can you hear me?" Still no response. She finally came back on and said "let me know when you're you ready to order" I said yes, I have been ready and started to place my order. She cut-off me off and told me to hold numerous times while putting in my order. I get up to the window and ask if there was something wrong with the head set because it seemed like any time I started to talk I would get cut off. This lady immediately started to get aggressive with me and tell me, "Well I told you to let me know when you're ready. I'm too busy here for you to decide what you want." (Now mind you, as I drive up to the establishment I noticed that there was hardly anyone inside as I pulled up to the drive thru & only 2 cars ahead of me -One car was at the window& the other was waiting behind him to get his food. There was no one behind me). I asked her if there something was wrong with the headset because I tried numerous tine to get her attention at the intercom. She became very unpleasant, hostile, & very unprofessional. She said she was too busy. After arguing with her and telling her she was cutting me off even when I tried to order and her denying this I finally just paid and waited for my food. When I asked for a manager she claimed she was a manager. This surprised me because I cannot believe anybody in their right mind would allow this awful woman to be a manager of anything. She is absolutely horrible with people (again, this isn't my first time dealing with this lady). I asked for her name and her manager's number. She said her name was on the receipt. She would not provide me with a ph# to her manager. This whole situation appalled me. I am baffled! Her behavior and customer service is unacceptable! Shame on the owner and shame on Fat Burger for keeping someone like that around!