Now I had a very bad experience with this groomer. Now the shop owner was sweet at first but in my opinion must have become jaded over her long standing years as pet groomer because when I heard my dog cry out from the back room and asked if it was her lori's answer was "that falls under the category of oh well that's to bad it has to be done" I couldn't believe she said that to me but I kept silent I just knew my dog wasn't one to cry like that anyhow I'm going to make a very long story short and let y'all know that the result of that was my poor baby nails being clipped on one paw way to short so short that they were bleeding however I didn't know until I got home and rinsed her off to make sure she was hair free and the powder she had stopped the bleeding with came off. I'd wondered why my pup was acting so odd and scared. I called Lori and she admitted to the accidentally cutting her nails to short and I'm not one to be an ass but why wouldn't she tell me before I took my dog home where I have a very well taken care of white antique couch? Her unprofessional attitude and smart remarks not to mention very dirty waiting area taught me not to be so quick to trust just anyone with my pooch. The least she could have done was tell me what happened before going home or was it perhaps it was the $12 tip she was afraid id take back well I'll never know because I'll never return to have my dog done there again and I say you don't either. Sorry for dragging you through the mud Lori but in your own words "that falls under the category of that to bad it has to be done"