I'll give 3 stars but even that is pushing it. More like 2.5. Getting in a car accident sucks. I got my car back today after it being gone for over a month. Alyssa was the one that was working with me and keeping me updated if you can even call it that. I specifically requested for follow ups and it took over a week to get any kind of information from them, and when I did I felt like I was catching Alyssa's attitude. Maybe I'm wrong- just seemed that way. It's already a stressful process- sometimes I just need peace of mind. While I am pleased with my car being fixed, I'm not impressed with the customer service at all. Nothing sets them apart from anywhere else. When I walked in to get the car- I wasn't greeted, none of the paper work was explained, or anything really. I guess the positive was being in n out getting the car since they don't talk to you or act friendly. Would likely only return if it's to fix anything that is covered under warranty at this point.