| - I come to TMPquite often usually to run in and out at high speed to a few of my favorite places like Cost plus World Market, Pier 1, or just needing to go to TCF Bank, or a froyo fix, all conveniently located on one end and all during my lunch hour. (plus driving through is a bit chaotic and confusing due to the set up)
It wasn't until last night that I realized how awesome this place really is. After grabbing a quick bite to eat, then a coffee, seeing a movie, then strolling down to my favorite yogurt shop Mojo I'd not noticed how many stores, places to eat and even how beautiful a place to hang out TMP is. Perhaps I was caught up enjoying a relaxed evening and that now it is decorated for the holidays(of which I'm hoping some of the lights remain) with the outdoor fireplace going an fountains flowing it was an enjoyable atmosphere. Since I have little time or desire to shop, it just hadn't occured to me that TMP offers so much more. As we enjoyed our ice cream outdoors and had strolled around, I noticed people hanging out playing cards, sipping coffee in cushioned chairs, sitting by the fountains and the fireplace, no hurried holiday hustle to grab some random gift of which with many stores there are plenty but all just enjoying a fun place to hang out. I then remembered that TMP on occasion has outdoor concerts and during the summer I have taken my princess and her cousin to the splash pad to play( brillaintly located in front of Mojo)
Tempe Marketplace is more than just your one stop shop, it's a cool place to be!