IPro is the best!! A few days ago I dropped my phone while my husband was pulling out of the garage and he ran it over with both tires. At first I thought that I will need a new phone because my 6+ looked unfixable. However, I had so many things in this phone that I had saved like videos and photos. All my contacts where in there too. My sister told me to check out iPro on Tatum & Greenway and see if they can get my information out of the phone. She fixed her iPhone 6 with them not too long ago and was very impressed with their service and has not had any problems with her phone ever since so I decided to try them out. When I got to iPro Mike was able to fix the screen on my iPhone 6+ for 149$ and i didn't need to export my data and buy a new phone. I was ready to spend 600$-700$ for a new phone and IPro fixed my phone for a lot less than that. I was also very impressed with their service just like my sister and I recommend them to everybody. I think they are the best.