I am a season ticket holder for 3 years now. I come to Sunsplash every weekend usually on both Saturday and Sunday. I always have a good time despite the fact that the park needs several repairs and does not seem to be cleaned all that often. However, today was Father's Day and I decided to include my dad due to the fact that there was an apparent promotion which gave fathers free admission with two paid tickets. One would assume that my season passes would cover the promotion. But, in order to save any inconvenience or embarrassment, I decided to call ahead to make sure. I called this Friday and was not able to speak to anyone but since I was going to the park anyway on Saturday I figured I would ask an employee then. I did ask an attendant on Saturday about the promotion and I was assured that the park would honor the free admission provided I printed out the online coupon. I did that of course and showed up on Father's Day with my dad and was met with a no to the promotion. I was told that I needed to purchase an additional full price ticket to get my dad to be able to join us. The attendant offered to ask her manager and I said that was fine. After a five to ten minute wait she came back down without the manager and let me know that he said no and his supervisor also declined my request. I explained that since it was a holiday we had all come in the same car and expected to enjoy the day together. Now, not only could we not spend the day together but my father had to now leave and come back to pick us up. That clearly did not help at all. I then decided to go find the manager myself and explain the situation face to face as surely someone in his position would understand and comply. I went upstairs and waited to speak with someone again for another 10 minutes or so. Finally, I was able to talk with the manager who after hearing my story again replied with there's nothing he could do. I then said that I would not have brought my dad if I thought there was any chance he would not be allowed entrance but, that I tried to ensure the opposite several times before coming. Again he said there was nothing he could do... I guess the one thing I learned is that the Golfland Corporation does not care about Season ticket holders as it relates to the Father's Day promotion. I suppose I will find out how big surf values their season ticket holders next year. I suppose I can also let all of my other friends that are Fathers know as well...