| - There is a positive side to everything and here is Shooters, the Walleye sandwich was awesome. The shooter burger, was delivered as a cheeseburger ( no bacon etc ) and the waiter argued about it. In the end the burger was so bad it went back. The Ahi Tuna was RAW, prefer it warm med rare side, had to send it back. I wanted to drink more from the bar but the waiter really didnt want to come back to our table. He just wanted to quit. He had ALL the waiters yacking in the corner watching him say "Im quiting, Ive had it!". As a customer, Im there to show my older kids some fun. I will smile thru and earthquake to make sure our time together isnt spoiled. The water view was horrible, it looked like a condemned construction site. Good Luck to you Blake, I hope you get a job were you are happy. I on the other hand, will never spend 85.00 at Shooters again in my life time OR visit, let alone recommend it to anyone. Just Shoot me and put me out of misery! AND fire Blake, maybe he can find happiness elsewhere.