So I went to Vegas with a very unadventuresome coworker....I can't count the number of times that she had a burger with cheese and lettuce...that's it.
So all the gastronomical experiences that were possible in vegas were wasted on her and I didn't get the chance to really flex my expense account muscles....
except here. We ate here twice (yeah, she liked it that much)...and it was great both times. In the Red and Blue sections you can order off either menu. The first time I got the Red White and Blue Cobb Salad - with lobster. It was delish - and they had a great pinot grigio that went well with it. The second time I got a taco salad. Also great. The desserts - well in my case, the cakes....were A-MAZ-ING. All for a very reasonable price. The stacked sandwiches were huge and looked really good.
Of all the places I was dragged to (umm, margaritaville) this one has no complaints from me.