This place has screwed my whole life up. I traded in my Nissan titan for a used Subaru Forester and that's when it all started. The Forester was obviously a lemon. The first month I had it the whole evap system had to be replaced which took several different times and arguments to get fixed. Whenever these rats sell the junk and it breaks and people start throwing fits it seems the man behind the curtain Randy comes to fix it. Well he fixed the evap system... then 3 months later the whole engine blows. Then he started ignoring my calls. They send the vehicle to there sister company Scottsdale Subaru because they cant work on it but they sold me the best extended NISSAN warranty I could buy 3K worth. So the Forester is sitting at the Scottsdale AutoNation now and the service manager which I have a hand written statement says "oh yeah this is common in the turbo Subaru's, as soon as the radiator blows the whole engine blows, shouldn't be a problem getting it covered" the problem is that they sold me a NISSAN warranty for a SUBARU?!?! Nissan denied my claim and now I owe 10K on a vehicle that is sitting in a tow lot with the blow engine in the hatch of the car. THE SCOTTSDALE AUTONATION SUBARU EVEN CALLED IN THE CAR ABANDONED WITHOUT EVEN NOTIFYING ME THAT I COULD PICK IT UP OR THAT WHEY WERE GOING TO CALL IT IN ABANDONED. I told the only legit guy in the whole company GARY the Scottsdale Service Manager that gave me the hand written statement that I was finding a lawyer and he said it was fine in the back that they had room. He finally lied to me too. So now I owe another 2K in tow fees on a 10K car I had for 5 months. I'm a single father that can barely afford to keep the lights on. This situation has ruined my life. I would never buy or trust anything these people tell you. They have given me the biggest run around bs I have ever dealt with and I'm still saving for a lawyer and racking up tow lot fees.