| - I've eaten here three times so far, and I believe that I have tried their entire menu, most of it at least...and I can comfortably say that I can't pick one good item
To brag about!
I tend to go back though due to the limited options of actual dine-in restaurants at Vaughan Mills. There is a big food court, sure...but aside from that, Pickle Barrel is the only one still hanging after Johnny rockets, Eggspectation and the bowling lounge all shut down! There is gotta be a reason behind all these places closing down.
This place is huge, with so many booths and larger areas for big groups, service is not bad at all too, but the food! It's strange how a place like that can't come-up with a better chef to revamp their whole menu!
Poor portions and missing any flavours, gotta step up your game pickle barrel, asap, otherwise, you'll follow the rest!