| - Such a mixed bag going on here!
- clean, modern and airy.
- lots of parking.
- good mix of standard and high end stores
- nice selection of food court and sit-down restaurant s
- huge and labyrinth like.
- if you need to use the elevators, they are few and far between, hidden in corners.
In particular I had a horrible experience at the Bay. It seemed every salesperson I approached didn't want to even talk to me. I wasn't asking for the moon, just to be pointed in the right direction, or even better, to pay! I waited patiently for the clerk to cash out the customer ahead of me,only to have the clerk walk away. And not come back! I waited a full five minutes, expecting her to come back, before I gave up and found another cash. I'm a pretty friendly and polite person, so it really bugs me when I'm treated like dirt.
On the flip side, at the Gap everyone was very helpful. I had a return to do (yep, that dreaded post Christmas return!) and it was totally no biggie. Then I asked if they could issue a gift receipt for another item on the same receipt, and sure enough they made it happen. Although it seemed rather complicated, everyone kept assuring us it wasn't. That's customer service!