| - I was referred here by my Indian friend. I was not expecting anything more than the usual and customary small strip mall store with limited amounts of Korean and / or Indian groceries. When I turned the corner and saw that Asiana Market was huge, I was impressed before I even walked in.
This was the most fun shopping I have done in years! I have a very adventurous palate and actually only came to Asiana to get some black tea (so I could recreate this wonderful Indian Boiled tea that Milap had made me. I walked in and noticed a strange smell. My husband, who has been just about everywhere on God's green Earth told me it was very similar to an overseas market in Asia somewhere. He said the smell, look, feel, was bringing back a lot of memories and then we both became like little kids in a candy store.
I had not picked up a cart or basket when we walked in, I immeditately asked my hubby to go get a basket. He returned and well, I walked down every single aisle and grabbed things I had only read about, heard about, always wanted to try and couldn't find, and other goodies.
Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Polish, German, Indian, Greek, Its all there! I have never been anywhere outside the USA in my life (hoping to change that someday) and this felt like I was in another country, in another realm, and I thoroughly enjoyed my experience.
I have an inclination for gourmet cooking and have some magnificent exotic recipes that I have yet to make due to my inability to find the ingredients!!! TADA TADA TADA!!!! Guess what I will be doing?
SHOPPING AT ASIANA MARKET for all of those ingredients, which THEY HAVE, in order to start my endeavors into more exotic recipes! I cannot wait. The staff was busy, courteous, and not really engaging, unless I asked them for something, but they tried to help and trying is half the battle in my opinion.
I will be back again....and again..... and again.... lol. you get my point.