| - I lived in the east for a while, so I've had my fair share of good pizza.
When I moved out here, I could not for the life of me, find a pizza place that was even close to the ones in the east.
In fact, before Verrazano was recommended to me, I considered Dominos the best pizza in the area.
This place has what I consider the best flat pizza, on my side of town, at least.
I asked them why their pizza was better than the others in the area, and they said it was because they take precautions with their pizza dough, so that it doesn't dry out.
They said that was the reason why there aren't any good pizza places out here.
That sort of made sense to me, because it is much drier out here than in the east.
Sometimes my wife tells me that the owners are a little rude, but she says that about everyone.
So my wife would probably rate it as four stars, but I'm the one with the Yelp account, so five stars.