Ya, it's good, but just like Lily D noted: All donuts taste the same to me as well. Although i do have a thing for their Apple Fritters since Matthew C. mentioned they are one of his top choices. I wouldn't know any better since donuts aren't in my diet, but they are mighty delicious esp in the center area where it's more moisty and filled with goodness.
My top choice; however, would have to go to those dazzling Donut Holes. I have this strange fascination where i would challenge myself to see how many of those sweet balls i can fit into my mouth. So far 3 since they're too yummy to be chillin' in thy mouth. They belong in me belly where my body can wrestle over the sugary infrastructure and reduce the craving before I over indulge.
Carbs never tasted so good!
Open 4am.
4star for family owned and operated so call 'legendary' donut shop.