| - I'am impressed with the art work on the wall, and my matcha frappe with coconut milk was good but I didn't feel the vibe I get in some coffee houses that makes you want to stay. Maybe it was the fact there was NO music playing in the background, or that there were random shelves and furniture placed here and there. Personally I don't like when you present yourself as one thing and then put other influences in your business. Take away the Buddha head, the random shelves and definitely no magazines laying around (although I don't mind the Las Vegas Weekly, Rated or Seven magazines sitting in a rack by the door) to which there wasn't any. Why not put pics of celebs doing the Illuminati symbols to go with the theme they are obviously trying to spoof. How about an owl, Skull and Cross Bone Society symbol, the American dollar, the Masonic symbol etc. But don't do like some restaurants do, they get a bunch of crap around the counters and it looks like their storage closet from home, not professional at all. Clean the clutter behind the counter and make it look really like a cool place to hang. Also what up with that goofy display case on the wall on the right when you first walk in? Are you trying to sell something or display something? I would take that out and if you had stuff to sell put it on one of those digital picture frames that keep moving. I guess they are new and still trying to get established, but seriously be true to the theme. Also get rid of the macaroons, put some legit food in your food case. I can't stand to see macaroons they are everywhere (Yuck)! Put stuff there that you can't get anywhere else.