Hubby and I are moving to a new place and during the requisite "cleaning out" phase of things, we discovered that a least half of our glassware was furnished by Fat Tuesday.
I've have many fond (??) memories (???) of Fat Tuesday- this location, the MGM location, and the Planet Hollywood location. The first time hubby and I went there, the result was a purchase of $1000 sunglasses that played MP3s (when I came out of what I like to call the "trance", they were returned). The second time resulted in an effing fabulous day with an even more effing fabulous hangover. The most recent trip resulted in one of the best nights of my life.
Things to try:
190 Octane and the Hurricane. The jello shots are also good.
Do not try:
The fruit soaked in booze- even the guy serving us said it sucked.
Also- keep your cup because you get a discount on refills- and then you don't have to buy glasses for your apartment.