"Oh my god."
Those were my exact words when the waitress put my peanut butter crunch milkshake on the table. She giggled. Picture, if you can, a massive crystal goblet. The kind you see in corny 1950s haunted house movies or something. Except way too big for a human being to use. Clearly something intended for the Jolly Green Giant, or maybe Frankenstein. And also, completely caked in ICE, with hanging mini-icicles and all. It was in this monstrous vehicle that my milkshake was housed as it was presented to me. I think I gained 7 pounds just looking at it.
Obviously there was no way I could have finished it, so I was given a styrofoam cup to take home the 97% of it I couldn't get to. Like MacAlpine's and the Sugar Bowl, this place is a Phoenix original, having stood in its place since 1951. Very cool, literally.