The bigger the hype, the bigger the inevitable disappointment. It's a small club compared to other well-known clubs in Vegas like Pure and Rain. They spent no time doing anything special to make the club stand out. It's pretty much just a plain over-crowded bar with a waterfall and loud music...and a sticky floor. Did all the cleaning staff move over to XS? Are they letting Wynn go the way of the Sahara? The bouncers should probably spend more time counting how many people they let in and less time counting their bribes. For a club this size, they are letting in way too many people. It's shoulder to shoulder everywhere with half of the drinks ending up on your shoes.
Note to the bouncers. Everyone knows how clubs work. Let in xx number of girls per every guy. Make the guys pay a tip to move up the line and a big cover at the door. Just come out and tell it like it is instead of wasting everyone's time pretending it's a secret and you're doing something special for 'em.