It literally just took me an half a hour to order two burgers, two fries, two bottled waters and two ice teas. A half a hour! How? Well, I went over to this place and was met by a woman that could barely speak English and could apparently understand even less. I wondered what the hold up was and I see that the problem was car after car having to explain themselves repeatedly to get their point across.
Yet, this person is handling the drive thru. It is crazy. I mean, I could care less what anyone speaks but if you are running a Wendy's and at the restaurant English speakers are coming in, it would seem to me that you would have someone at the window that speaks English.
Anyway, the Ice tea was cool and the natural cut fries were great. The burger though, well, I think it needs a bit of help. The bacon just left a bad taste in my mouth. All and all I'd say pass on this Wendys.