I woke up one morning back in 11/15 with so much pain and agony to he point of not being able to function, and that's hard to do when you have four kids under the age of six.
i was scared and didn't know what to do about this pain that was keeping me up at night.
It was so painful to walk, and had the need to sit down.. my daily life had changed completely.
I spent 3 days in the hospital, and requested for an MRI and was lucky enough to be approved by the insurance..
A good friend of my'n told me about this great doctor that could help me.
At my first visit he was able to tell me everything about my MRI, and was able to treat me the very first day.
My pain had reduced tremendously within the first month, the second month i was able to do things i wasn't able to do in months..
I think he has a very good system in treating a patient. Bottom line HE IS THE BEST.
Thank you Doctor Kaldy.