Why can't my daughter beg to go to Peter Piper Pizza?
I wouldn't like Chuck E Cheese even if the staff was friendly, the food was good, and the games actually worked. But if all of those were true, I would at least give it a higher star rating. But seeing as how each of those categories were a disastrous mess, I am confident in giving the one star rating.
I am all about rewarding my daughter when she does well. She has been doing splendidly getting ready for her first day of school and I wanted to take her anywhere she wanted to go to let her know we appreciate her hard work. When she wanted to go to Chuck E Cheese, I felt the low grumbling sigh emerging.
I do have to give credit to the idea of stamping the family with identical infrared markings to deter those who wish to impose ill will on our little ones. But that is about the end of the good will I will project to the staff. If you are hungry or thirsty and want something quickly, then be prepared to wait. I timed my wait for a simple drink; it ran about 4:15. I don't know if it is short staffing or paying slave wages to high schoolers who simply don't care. Either way, the combination they have just isn't working.
The only thing worse than the slow service to get your food is the food itself. It is horrible. I don't know any other descriptors to really describe cheap cheese layered on tomato paste that is all resting on what amounts to pressed together Wonder Bread. I would describe the wings but I don't technically ever want to call them wings because that is an insult to all other wings created. Ever. I referenced Peter Piper earlier and even though Peter Piper's pizza isn't exactly gourmet, it blows this pizza clean out of the water. No comparison. I can't talk about their food any more, it makes my stomach sad.
The coux de gras is the games. If it all came down to just going in to play some games with the family, then you will again be completely disappointed. Almost half of the games either didn't work or would eat your tokens without actually working. It was simply just sad. The games that did work were about as badly maintained as any I have ever seen. I actually felt bad for my family at one point because what was supposed to be an eventful afternoon turned into a pitiful experience.