This was my first visit to Pacific. Went there yesterday Sun. Dec. 12 at lunch with some Canadian friends. A previous review made me believe that we should get there earlier because of wait times. Despite all efforts we arrived just after 12:00 and were ushered right in. No wait times. So don't plan on waiting too much. Of course the previous review had 50 people and we were only four.
Staff was very efficient and friendly.
The restaurant itself is new and nice and clean. Colorful. A brochue I picked up on the way out says there are 12 buffet tables. While I didn't count them, I think that is a reasonable number and no two dishes were the same. There were even escargo(snails) and frog legs. Mongolian Bar B Q, sushi bar dim sum, All was there. It's impossible to try to eat one of everything so don't even try. Just be assured that all was very good.
Prices, for seafood, was quite reasonable:Sat, Sun. and Holidays was $14.88 with seniors of 60 enjoying a 10 discount
There is a lunch buffet (no crab legs) for $8.38-Mon-Thursday
Frday after 4 until 10 is $14.88.
This place is quite a find. The previous reviewer couldn't have b een more accurate when he said "...worth the price." Definitely worth the price!