Stay as far away from this disaster of a store as possible. There is one particularly employee there, Dante, who is a complete jerk. He literally threw his phone down in front of me to prove that Sprint has been around since 1899 after smartly looking it up on his smartphone to prove me wrong. That's what they claim of course, but if this guy had one ounce of common sense he wouldn't tout this as a "Fortune 500 company with multiple communication issues." (They screwed me on my upgrade after a promise from corporate, which I knew they would since that is what most telecom companies do by hiring people like this guy). Any one with an ounce of common sense wouldn't try to convince anyone who looks like they know more than a one syllable word that Sprint hasn't been around since 1899. But nice try, jerk. Anyway, Sprint will screw you at any chance they get, and this guy will probably go far in that company since he has about as much customer service skill as an inflatable snowman on your front lawn. As a 15-year customer of this company (and not knowing why I stay except all of these leach companies are screw jobs) I marvel at the disrespect that an uneducated idiot like this clown shows a customer who basically pays part of his salary. I will tell ANYONE who will listen what a joke of a store this is.