Our server was horrible he opens up with "y'all want anything to drink" which I was like ok mannerisms are lacking for a place like this but ok. So we than place our drink orders. He than comes back after 12min exactly and tells me if he can help us. Which I said my wife still waiting on her tea. He brings the tea and I ask about my water. And place a order for hummus some guy not my waiter brings it out quickly enough. But my server took another 13min to come back and ask if we wanted anything to eat by this time I ask for the check. He than say "oh wow so soon ok" in a smart a$$ type of way. Brings my check with no pen I do not know of it was my skin color or what but seem like everyone else was getting quick servers.. I'll never take my business to that one the one on Shara is amazing and will now only go to that one!