| - I think the most important thing about airports is their floor plan and how quick customs can be.
While I've only been to like 4 airports in my life, and departed from and arrived at Pearson once, I'm writing this based on my first arrival experience.
I fully expected to wait in line, though I know it wouldn't be very long since I'm from Canada. When I got to the beginning of the queue, I was asked if I wanted to see an officer or do self-customs, I was like "WWWWHHHHAAAAATTT??????", it wasn't like there was anyone waiting to see an officer, but man, I really wanted to try these self-customs machines. It was absolutely easy-peasy (not that the officers ever give me grief for coming home). I slid the paper in the machine, it spat out a printout, and I took that to the exit where it was checked by an officer, she looked at it for like 5 seconds and sent me on my merry way.
There's at least eight machines (Versus 2-4 officers), next time you're coming home, give the machines a try!
It's really a beautiful thing to go home. The only thing I'm thinking now is, with all these questions of security and all the preventative measures, they're really trusting Canadians.