This school is ranked #1 in the state for testing right now!
After moving to Mesa and looking at the public school reviews, I was bound and determined to find a better school for my kids to attend, even if it meant I had to drive! Luckily, I found East Valley Academy not too far from my new home. That was four years ago and I have to say that I couldn't imagine my kids attending another school.
This school offers what we all want for our children that public schools don't offer. It's small, yes, and that is a huge bonus. Kid to teacher ratio is outstanding! The two classes for all grades is another advantage over other schools. These kids learn together and help each other! They also devote more time to learning the basics. They do plays and take field trips often and they have holiday parties that you can even bake for!
My son was reading after only two months in kindergarten and now is reading at a 6th grade level in 3rd grade. My daughter ranked top 3% in the nation for her math skills on the state test in 3rd grade and she just recently tested into Algebra 1 for 7th grade that she will obtain high school credit for!
If you are looking for a great education that does not teach the Common Core, then look no further! Check out their stats and I'll see you there next year!