STAY AWAY AT ALL COSTS! This place will not last long. The servers act like frightened dogs. The management is argumentative. Your soda comes in a plastic bottle. The music is so loud it could make a Slipknot fan complain about auditory pain after dining there. The server tries to force you to order your entree at the same time as your appetizers and when confronted as to why you need to order our entree right away they smugly answer like mindless buffoons "Cuz that's the way we do it here". By far the worse dining experience we have ever had in Vegas. We didn't even get past the drinks before leaving that abortion of a restaurant. If you want a comparable dining experience for a lot less money, then do yourself a favor and go to the Double Down on Paradise and scrape the dried sputum off the floor and put it on a plate. You won't even be able to tell the difference between that and Martorano's complimentary bread with ground rat meat they place on the table prior to cattle prodding you into ordering. I know it's an Italian restaurant so mind my French when I say this place SUCKS!