| - When something describes itself as a "coat factory", you can't help but wonder if they actually make coats there - I mean for the longest time, I never went inside, because I really don't wear coats that often. I wear shorts even when it is snowing outside (disclaimer, I do wear sweaters, even with shorts, but I don't often wear coats, as I already have one that I like, but I digress).
So it is probably curiosity that got me wondering just why there are so many of these coat factories all over the place - I mean, really, even if they do make these coats, just how many of them do they need? But there is one, there is another, and so I decide to pop in. Looks like just another collection of stuff - and wouldn't you know it, I don't know if I saw a single coat in the place.
Most of what they have seems to be the same sort of thing you would find at any discount outlet - Marshall's, TJ Maxx, Ross, etc. Only they have more of it. Lots more. And for better or worse, it seems that just about every holiday, I end up with at least one gift that I need to return to BCF because it just didn't work out, and you know what that means: Finding yet something else to buy with the store credit they give.
Now I did find that they have a "kitchen" section (which may or may not actually be dubbed that anywhere else), and I found this chipotle salt grinder that I have decided may be one of my favorite spices ever. It's about five times as tall as any other grinder, and it was about a tenth the price. Thus far, I haven't checked the expiration date - no one burst my bubble, please?