This place has gotten pretty ghetto. If you've ever walked down the strip and seen white trash drinking mixed drinks out of a yard, I'm pretty sure this is where they stay.
Inconveniently located a mile OFF The Strip, I grabbed a room at the HRH&C merely because it was offered for $45. I had gambled and been to shows at The Joint before but never stayed there so . . . what the hell. Why not?
I thought the rooms were fairly decent despite the fact I paid an additional $35 to 'upgrade' to a corner room in the Paradise Tower which gave me a gorgeous view of a dirt lot. The beds were over-the-top soft (which I viewed as a negative -- but, to each their own when it comes to mattresses). I did love the enormous shower so . . . there's that.
If you're a middle-aged man with a tribal tattoo arm band who raises hell when LMFAO's 'Shots' comes on the airwaves, a twenty-something dude with full sleeves and a fauxhawk who has seen every episode of Jersey Shore, if you're a skank with giant angel's wings tattooed on your back (slightly covered by your long peroxide hair), if you are in town from Barstow for the weekend and you're sleeping eight to a room, you all brought your own pillows with atrocious colorful pillow covers and you're hauling coolers and cases of beer up to your room for an 'epic pre-game'-- this is your place!!!!!
(Update -- I just read Kevin Federline got married here the weekend I visited so . . . yeah. I think that pretty much validates my review)