This place is really well kept up...very beautiful zoo with the exhibits very close to the guest. There was an emu exhibit that I literally could reach out and touch the emu if I really wanted to. Of course I was too afraid to haha, but it was the closest I had ever been.
The zoo is huge...I would recommend reserving 4 hours if you really want to see everything. It was closing down around 5pm and my wife and I were jogging to see the rest. There is so much to see and I enjoyed the whole experience.
Perhaps my most favorite part was the stingray petting section. Yes, you have to pay to get in, but let me tell you, the staff is VERY friendly and helpful. I learned so much about stingrays that day, overcame my fear to touch and pet them, learned how much they actually WANT to be petted, and basically left wanting a pet stingray. I would highly recommend this to all people attending.
Anyhow, 5 star rating for me. We loved it.