| - Worst ultrasound experience ever.
I was sent here because I maxed out my ultrasounds through my insurance. I'm 36 weeks and believed to have iugr, my baby is basically measuring very very small.
So my appt is 12:30 and I arrive at 12:15 like they requested. There was NO ONE in the waiting room and people who arrived after me were seen before me. I didn't go back to the room until 1:05.
They did the ultrasound and the tech was very helpful and informative. She went over everything as she saw it and even told me how my little girl was laying in my belly.
I asked her if my baby was still in the 6th percentile and how much she weighed. I was curious to see if she had grown since the last ultrasound since my dr had mentioned a possible induction if she was not growing.
By this time it is 1:30 and the tech is telling me I will probably be induced because she is too small and she isn't growing in there. She goes out to talk to the dr on staff. When she comes back she tells me I need to have some more monitoring done and that the Dr. Roberts will call my dr to discuss what they see and I should expect an induction, TONIGHT!
So they hook me to the polygraph machine to monitor me and they leave me there for 45 minutes. Meanwhile I'm calling work, my husband, my whole life is flashing before my eyes. I still had stuff that needed to be handled before baby! Holy cow you know?!! Thank God my mother in law was there and she kept me calm.
So finally in walk 2 doctors and they ask how I'm I don't know? You tell me! So they tell me most of the time babies can be small and it's ok but mines not getting enough nutrients, there is a problem with the placenta, blood cord, blood flow and we need to get this baby out NOW. She's basically starving in there, how the hell does that not pull at your heart strings?! So I'm like, ok did you call my dr? Nope they wanted to wait to talk to me. Said they would call my doctor after. So of course my concern is what if you don't reach him, what should I expect, can I still do my natural water birth? Sooo many questions and of course Dr. Roberts went off on how I would not be doing my natural child birth but he retracted what he said and told me to ask Dr. Harter.
Ok so I leave in a panic and daze. Holy shit I'm going to be mother right now? Crap, do I have everything packed? What am I forgetting? I have to be forgetting something. Panic panic panic
I go home and hear NOTHING from my doctor. I literally do not sleep at all because of the emotional roller coaster I have been on.
Needless to say I called my doctors office and I'm waiting to hear from them now.
It was ridiculously unprofessional of this office staff to tell me that I would be induced when clearly that was not the case. They should always speak with a patients doctor before making such comments. I'm still up in arms about this.
I would not recommend this place at all.