A couple years ago I was volunteering as a campus coordinator for an ideologically sound but (it later turned out) morally bankrupt Democratic presidential candidate and needed to print some fliers advertising an upcoming event. I went to Bob's Copy Shop because it was nearby.
I described my printing needs to the young woman behind the counter, and she quickly showed me how to go about getting my fliers printed up. So far so good. When she saw the flier I was going to be making copies of, she groaned a little. I asked her what was wrong. She then told me the she was from Lodi and had "had it up to here" with all these liberals in Madison. I have to assume she was including me in this group of people she'd "had it up to here" with. Her comment might sound bad, but the way she said it was weirdly sweet, and we exchanged some good-natured insults. Upon leaving the shop I had a vision of she and I getting hitched, having a brood of little ones, and living out the rest of our days yammering at each other lovingly, Carville/Matalin-style.
Anyway, 3 stars. The fliers turned out fine, and I never saw that jerk again.